Custom Wine Cellars Los Angeles Metal Wine Racks Wall Assembly – Processed Video Transcription

Steps in Installing VintageView Metal Wine Racks

View our Metal Wine Racks photos at Pinterest now!This instructional video will cover the basics of installing VintageView Metal Wine RacksWS Series Racks.  To begin, measure the width of

Assembled Metal Wine Racks - Measuring the Wall

Click here to view Metal Wine Racks in Contemporary Wine Cellars

your wall and determine your starting point whether you want to work from the middle out or from one side to the other.

Either way, you will need to allow a minimum of 2 ¾” from any adjacent walls to the center line of the first strip.  From there, measure 7 ½” to the center line of the next strip.  If installing multiple columns, mark 5 ½” over from the center line of the next strip.

See more pictures of VintageView Metal Wine Racks here!

VintageView Metal Wine Racks – Installing the First Strip

Repeat the pattern marking off 7 ½” and 5 ½” for all of your remaining columns.  Once your wall is marked off install the first strip.

You may use either a base or an X strip to start with as this determines the direction the necks of the bottles will point.  Ensure that each strip is plum or vertical before securing to the wall.

In this installation we have a wood backing to screw into.  However, if you’re attaching directly into dry wall we recommend the use of appropriate anchors such as spiral inserts.